"ohhhDaWayne...Stawwwppp..." - real User
- [DaWayne NeedsMoore] -
DaWayne Needsmoore is the page pet and mascot. He comes around and hangs out, usually to sign up for a job he doesnt complete or if he does its half assed and he leaves the second hes paid whether the work is complete or not. All his tools are pawned and he has no vehicle. He might be sleeping on your couch right now. We know this but we love him and just need to continue to do so until he can love himself. DaWayne NeedsMoore is the avatar of active addiction. Hes your best friend and eager to help when hes broke but the second he gets what he needs he disappears only to be summoned again when the sickness creeps in. He doesnt know this but soon he will be appearing in his own animations so hopefully he kicks the habit. But until then can my boy borrow like a dollar?
I used to work my ass off literally day and night, sometimes for up to 6 days straight. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do for myself and my family. I sstarted using Adderall in 8th grade and buzzed to the top of each class. I could already pass sober but the Adderall made it fun. So fast forward 10 years and I decide that Im not taking it anymore. I showed up to work with abosolutely no drive or desire to even step out of my truck. Even the thought of getting there was enough to bring on a panic attack. Hours went by like months and minutes like hours. The only thing I can do is stare at the clock and wait in utter despair. Obviously I could only handle this for literally until I could find a way to outsmart the process. That night I got some hydrocodone to take the edge off what was a severe depression from juicing all my feel good chemicals for all those years. The hydrocodone gave me a nice warm vibration feeling and motivated me to get things done just like I needed but better! So I enjoyed my new found opiate high and was king of my domain that night. To celebrate my girlfriend at the time and I went out and got hammered drunk in downtown Nashville, tn. If youve ever been to Nashville you know you dont just have one or two. We got home blacked out around 3am and passed out. We called it an early night on account of it being a weekday and work and all. I woke up with a pounding headache and remembered that I vowed to not take Adderall. Well fuck that! I downed my usual 40 mg of adderall and then kept with my new routine of a hydrocodone 10 mg. It wasnt long until I realized that this was an instant hangover cure. To be continued...
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